Recurring Invoices

Delete Recurring Invoice

To Delete an Recurring invoice, click on Delete button where deleted items will be moved to Trash.

In order to get back the deleted Recurring invoices, click on the Restore button in the Trash page and they will be restored to Recurring invoice list.

The Recurring invoices can also be delete permanently, by clicking on Delete Permanently button.

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Recurring Invoice Actions

These are actions that can be performed on the particular Recurring Invoice to make changes/view as per the requirements.

(i) Edit

(ii) Make Payment

(iii) Child Invoices

(iv) Email

(v) SMS

(vi) Mark As

(vii) Preview

(viii) Clone

(ix) Upload

(x) PDF

(xi) Print


Child Invoices: When the invoices from this Recurring Invoice will be generated you will have an overview which invoices are generated from this Recurring Invoice at the Child Invoices tab.

Child Invoice is generated each time a cycle is completed. This takes place until all the cycles are completed.

Here we have common features for both Invoice and Recurring Invoices. So please go through the Invoice view page for common features of Recurring Invoice.

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View Recurring Invoice

On the Recurring invoices list page you’ll see a table with the columns below:

Invoice #: The number of the recurring invoice.

Client/Customer Name: The name of the client.

Currency: Recurring Invoice currency.

Title: The name of the recurring invoice.

Invoice Status: Status of recurring invoices whether it is sent/draft or not.

Invoice date: Date of the recurring invoice created.

Due Date: The date the payment is due.

Recurring Period: The period of invoice will be recurred.

Amount: The total amount of the recurring invoice.

Payment Status: The current status of the recurring invoice (Paid, UnPaid, Partial, Overdue)

After adding the Recurring Invoice, Click on View for to redirect the Recurring Invoice to View page.

Recurring Invoice View:

Recurring Invoice number is taken automatically/manually by generating from Global Settings–>Master Settings–>Invoice Settings.


Here we can view the Recurring Invoice Number, Payment status, Customer address, Recurring Invoice details, Payment method, Authorised signature.

By selecting Recurring Period, we can view the Total Recurring period in the Invoice.

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Add Recurring Invoice

To Add new Recurring invoice go to Sales -> Recurring Invoices and click on the button Add new Recurring invoice.

The Recurring Invoice Creation page consists of the following fields:

Customer: Select the relevant Customer from the Customer list.

Currency: In this field, the data is filled by default based on the customer’s currency.

Recurring Invoice Status: Recurring Invoice status field allows the admin whether to Published/Draft the Recurring invoice to the customer. If the Recurring invoice status is published then it will be displayed in Customer’s panel and if the status is Draft it won’t be visible in the customer’s panel.

Sale Agent: This field allows to assign a relevant third party.

Address and Delivery Address: Customer’s addresses are given in these fields, in order to deliver/ship the  Recurring Invoices.

Recurring Period — It shows that selection of duration like Days/Weeks/Months to recur the Recurring invoice.

Recurring Value — Value of Recurring period.

Example: Consider recurring period is weekly, then the value is taken 2, it shows the total recurring period is 2 weeks.

Recurring Type — It is based on Recurring Period. It is selected automatically by selecting Recurring Period.

Total Cycles — How many times the Recurring invoice will be recurred to the particular customer from giving on respective dates.

Example :

The Recurring invoice due date is 02/03/2019, Recurring Period is Weekly, Value is 2, Total Cycles is 2.

Then it will have Recurred on 09/03/2019 and 16/03/2019.

Payment methods: Select the payment methods you want your customer to pay with. All enabled payment methods will be presented to the client as options so that they can choose the payment method of their choice.

Title: Entity that defines the name of Recurring Invoice.

Prefix/Quantity: This prefix is set to a default value from Invoice Settings.

Recurring Invoice No: This number is automatically generated by default or can be assigned manually.

Reference: It refers to a particular Recurring invoice.

Additional Tax/Discount: Additional Percentage/value sum ups to Total Recurring Invoice amount.

Additional Tax/Discount Format: Tax/Discount will be added after/before the product was bought.

  • Item/Product: The product name can be either manually typed or picked from the listed options.
  • Quantity: The number of units being charged.
  • Unit Price: The amount you charge per unit of the items/products.
  • Tax Rate: It can be applied to the item/product by selecting the relevant tax from the drop-down list.
  • Discount: It can be applied to any particular item either as a percentage or a fixed value.
  • Description: Additional information about the item/product. This will help the customer to understand the product’s features in a better way.

The ‘+‘ icon symbol beside some fields allows you to directly add the particular’s through a Pop-up menu to their respective add directly from here to those respective modules.

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Recurring Invoice Summary

Recurring Invoice page consists of two features,

1. Summary

2. Filter

These provide a general overview of the Recurring Invoice status for a business.

1.Recurring Invoice summary:

Recurring Invoice summary is of two types,

1.1 Progress

1.2 Circle

The above types provides the information below:

Total Recurring Invoices Amount: Total amount of Recurring Invoices.

Paid: Paid amount of Recurring Invoices.

Unpaid: Unpaid amount of Recurring Invoices.

Overdue: Overdue amount of Recurring Invoices.

By clicking on Paid Recurring Invoices, all the paid Recurring invoices are filtered. Similarly for remaining Unpaid, Overdue Recurring invoices respectively.

       1.1 Progress type summary:

This summary gives the data in figures ( currency ) and Recurring Invoices count.

These can again be filtered based on currency ( like USD, INR, Dinar etc). This allows fetching of all the Recurring invoices either paid or unpaid with that particular currency.

       1.2 Circle type summary:

This summary gives the data in percentage ( Recurring Invoices ) and amount of all the Recurring Invoices.

2. Recurring Invoice Filter:

Recurring Invoice filter allows us to filter these by entering the required type in the fields.

These fields are,

2.1 Date: These are the options available in the date filter.

2.1.2 Today,

2.1.3 Yesterday

2.1.4 Last 7 days

2.1.5 Last 30 days

2.1.6 This Month

2.1.7 Last Month

2.1.8 This Year

2.1.9 Last Year

2.1.10 All time

2.1.11 Custom Range – Specific dates can be given.

2.2 Type: These are of 3 types.

2.2.1 Created date

2.2.2 Recurring Invoice date

2.2.3 Recurring Invoice due date

2.3 Payment Status: This shows the Recurring invoices of the below status types.

2.3.1 All

2.3.2 Paid

2.3.3 Unpaid

2.3.4 Overdue

2.3.5 Cancelled

2.3.6 Partial Payment

2.4 Currency: Filters based on Currency.

2.4.1 USD

2.4.2 INR

2.5 Customer: Allows to filter based on Customer name.

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