Recurring Invoice page consists of two features,
1. Summary
2. Filter
These provide a general overview of the Recurring Invoice status for a business.
1.Recurring Invoice summary:
Recurring Invoice summary is of two types,
1.1 Progress
1.2 Circle
The above types provides the information below:
Total Recurring Invoices Amount: Total amount of Recurring Invoices.
Paid: Paid amount of Recurring Invoices.
Unpaid: Unpaid amount of Recurring Invoices.
Overdue: Overdue amount of Recurring Invoices.
By clicking on Paid Recurring Invoices, all the paid Recurring invoices are filtered. Similarly for remaining Unpaid, Overdue Recurring invoices respectively.
1.1 Progress type summary:
This summary gives the data in figures ( currency ) and Recurring Invoices count.
These can again be filtered based on currency ( like USD, INR, Dinar etc). This allows fetching of all the Recurring invoices either paid or unpaid with that particular currency.
1.2 Circle type summary:
This summary gives the data in percentage ( Recurring Invoices ) and amount of all the Recurring Invoices.

2. Recurring Invoice Filter:
Recurring Invoice filter allows us to filter these by entering the required type in the fields.
These fields are,
2.1 Date: These are the options available in the date filter.
2.1.2 Today,
2.1.3 Yesterday
2.1.4 Last 7 days
2.1.5 Last 30 days
2.1.6 This Month
2.1.7 Last Month
2.1.8 This Year
2.1.9 Last Year
2.1.10 All time
2.1.11 Custom Range – Specific dates can be given.
2.2 Type: These are of 3 types.
2.2.1 Created date
2.2.2 Recurring Invoice date
2.2.3 Recurring Invoice due date
2.3 Payment Status: This shows the Recurring invoices of the below status types.
2.3.1 All
2.3.2 Paid
2.3.3 Unpaid
2.3.4 Overdue
2.3.5 Cancelled
2.3.6 Partial Payment
2.4 Currency: Filters based on Currency.
2.4.1 USD
2.4.2 INR
2.5 Customer: Allows to filter based on Customer name.