
How can we get total recurring invoices summary?
  • LaraOffice provides  a feature where we can easily view the count of Total Recurring Invoices Amount, based on the status of the total paid , total unpaid and total overdue amount.
  • The Total Recurring Invoices Amount are calculated based on currencies.where we can select the particular currency and view the count of total amount.


How to search the Recurring invoices based on invoices type and payment status ?
  • LaraOffice provides a feature called custom filter where we can search  the records based on invoices types like invoice date, created date  and invoices due date.
  • And also we can also search the records based on the payment status also like  Total Delivered, Total Accepted and Total Rejected.



How to search the recurring invoices based on customer name and currencies?

There is custom filter option in LaraOffice where we can search  the records based on customer name .  And also based on currencies  




How child invoices gets created from the recurring invoices ?
  •  Lara Office provides a feature of creating the child invoices based on the recurring invoices for a particular recurring periods the  child invoices gets created.
  • This child invoices directly gets added into the recurring invoices list once the invoice is created.