Create New Product :
The main fields that are required to add the Product are
(i) Category
(ii) Brand
(iii) Warehouse
All the above-required fields are created in advance before creating the product. In order to create a new product go to the following path.
Product Management–> Products–>Add New.

Then it will be redirected to the Product Creation page.

Product Name: Name of the product.
Product Code: Code given manually to the product for identification.
Status: Gives the condition of the product (Active, Inactive, Damaged).
Warehouse: Place where the product is stored or belongs to.
Actual Price: Actual cost of the product to be sold at.
- Rate – The total cost for this specific Product you are creating without taxes.
Sale Price: Cost of the product based on season and market.
Here we have Few types of Currencies. By clicking on Fill Prices button, they Auto-fill the Prices based on given Currency Prices in Currencies Module.
Excerpt: Give the Product short description for the product.
Description: Gives more detailed information about the product.
Tax: Apply Product predefined tax, the tax will be auto-applied when creating a new invoice/quote/recurring invoice/purchase orders.
Discount: Apply Product predefined discount, the discount will be auto-applied when creating a new invoice/quote/recurring invoice/purchase orders.

Stock Quantity: Amount of stock available in the warehouse.
Alert Quantity: A value that is needed to be set in order to get alerts when the product is decreasing.
HSN/SAC Code: The Code of the Product.
Product Size and Weight: It defines the size and weight of the product.
Image Gallery: Product-related images.
Thumbnail and Other files: Product Thumbnail and Product details in the format of doc. excel, etc.
By clicking on View, details of the Product are displayed as follows.