Product Management

Measurements Units

Every product has a different measuring units. All these units are defined in this page.

Product Management–> Measurements Units–> Add New.

Add a new measuring unit by filling the required fields.

Title: Name of the measurement unit.

Status: Enable/Disable the measuring unit.

Description: Brief description of the measuring unit.

View button allows to see all the measuring units.

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Products Transfer

Exchanging of products or stock within the warehouses is called Product transfer.

Go to Product Management–> Products Transfer–>Add New.

This feature keeps track of the stock/products that are transferred from one warehouse to another. Transferring of products among the warehouses occurs when a particular warehouse has ran out of stock. The fields on this page are

(i) From Warehouse: All the Existing warehouses are reflected in this field.

(ii) Products: All the existing warehouses are reflected here.

(iii) To Warehouse: All the Existing warehouses excluding the selected in ‘from warehouse field’ are displayed here.

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Create New Product :

The main fields that are required to add the Product are

(i) Category

(ii) Brand

(iii) Warehouse

All the above-required fields are created in advance before creating the product. In order to create a new product go to the following path.

Product Management–> Products–>Add New.

Then it will be redirected to the Product Creation page.

Product Name: Name of the product.

Product Code: Code given manually to the product for identification.

Status: Gives the condition of the product (Active, Inactive, Damaged).

Warehouse: Place where the product is stored or belongs to.

Actual Price: Actual cost of the product to be sold at.

  • Rate – The total cost for this specific Product you are creating without taxes.

Sale Price: Cost of the product based on season and market.

Here we have Few types of Currencies. By clicking on Fill Prices button, they Auto-fill the Prices based on given Currency Prices in Currencies Module.

Excerpt: Give the Product short description for the product.

Description: Gives more detailed information about the product.

Tax: Apply Product predefined tax, the tax will be auto-applied when creating a new invoice/quote/recurring invoice/purchase orders.

Discount: Apply Product predefined discount, the discount will be auto-applied when creating a new invoice/quote/recurring invoice/purchase orders.

Stock Quantity: Amount of stock available in the warehouse.

Alert Quantity: A value that is needed to be set in order to get alerts when the product is decreasing.

HSN/SAC Code: The Code of the Product.

Product Size and Weight: It defines the size and weight of the product.

Image Gallery: Product-related images.

Thumbnail and Other files: Product Thumbnail and Product details in the format of doc. excel, etc.

By clicking on View, details of the Product are displayed as follows.

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To Create Products, initially we need to add the Brands.

Go to Product Management–> Brands–> Add New

Create a New Warehouse in this page where the fields to be filled are:

Title: Name of the Brand.

Icon: Thumbnail of Brand.

Status: If the status is in active then the brand will be displayed in the products creation page.

View button allows to see all the products details related to that brand.

Products related to Brand with details.

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In order to create new Products initially, we need  Categories.

To add new category go to  Product Management–> Categories–> Add New

Add a new category by filling the required fields.

Category name: The name of the category which the products belong to.

Description: A brief description of the category.

Photo: Thumbnail of category.

All the created categories will be displayed in this Categories list page.

View button allows to see all the product details related to that category.

Products related to category with details.

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