

For Customers panel, we manage the modules for providing them to only respective modules they need. So the customers can access only those modules which you provide the modules in customer panel.


They don’t have permission to access the Creation, deletion operations for Customer.

On the Proposals list page you’ll see a table with the columns below:

Proposal no #: The number of the proposal.

Client/Customer Name: The name of the client.

Amount: The total amount of the proposal.

proposal Status: The current status of the Proposal (Delivered, Accepted, Rejected, On-hold, Lost, Dead)

Title: The name of the Proposal.

Proposal Publish Status: Status of Proposals whether it is sent/draft or not.

Proposal date: Date of the proposal created.

Due Date: The date the payment is due.

After adding the proposal , it is added to list and also here we have Proposal  which are Converted to Invoice and quotes by naming with Invoiced and Quoted respectively.

Click on View, for to redirect the Proposals list to View page.

Proposal Summary:

In the Proposals page, we can find the Proposals Filter and Summary for to know the complete details of all the existing Proposals .

The dashboard provides the information below:

Total Proposals : Total number of Proposal.

Accepted: Number of Proposals Accepted.

Delivered: Number of Proposal Delivered.

Rejected: Number of Proposal Rejected.

By clicking on Accepted Proposal, it filtered and shows only Accepted Proposal . And also same for remaining Delivered, Rejected proposal respectively.

This will show Proposal status.

For here also we have two types of Summaries like Progress and Circle. We can Filter the Proposal by searching with manual entry.

Proposal View:

Here we can view the Proposal Number, Proposal status, Customer address, Proposal details,Authorised signature.

Add New Proposal:

To Add new proposalgo to Sales -> Proposals and click on the button Add new proposal.

The Proposal Creation page is shows as follows:

Customer: Click on the Customer field. Select the relevant Customer from the Customer list.

Currency: Proposal currency. If you select customer’s default currency, the selected customer’s currency will be used. Otherwise, we can change the currency as we need.

Proposal Status: Status of proposal whether it is sent/draft or not.

Sale Agent: Click on the Sale agent field. Select the relevant Sale agent from the Sale agent’s list.

Address and Delivery Address: Proposal should be delivered to which address.

Title: Proposal Title. Eg: Silver steels.

Proposal Prefix/Quantity: These will show default from Proposal Settings.

Proposal  No: Auto assigned proposal number.

Reference: Reference number of Proposal .

  • Item/Product: This is the name of the item you are billing for. You can either enter the details manually, or start typing and pick the items.
  • Quantity: The number of units being charged.
  • Unit Price: The amount you charge per unit of items.
  • Tax Rate: To apply tax to the item, click on the Tax field and select the relevant tax from the drop-down list.
  • Discount: This is the discount percentage/value you need to apply for the particular item.
  • Description: Add more information about the item. This will help the customer better understand the job completed, and is also useful for your own reference

For some fields, we have + icon symbol for to add directly from here to those respective modules.

The Client and Admin Notes, Terms & Conditions are default shown while creating the Proposal . These are placing from Proposal Settings.

Proposal Actions:

Here the number of actions can perform for respective Proposal to make changes/view in perspective manner.

We have common features when compared with Invoices and quotes so go through Invoice/Quotes View page for to know respective details.

Convert to Invoice: The Proposal will converts to Invoice and make the payment.

After Converting Proposal to Invoice, then click on View we can easily notice that the Proposal  is converted by showing the following details.

More: Proposal Tasks, Reminders, Notes about the respective proposal to follow them until the payment has done from Customer.



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