Users & Roles

Business Manager

A business manager is one who monitors the work of others to have an efficient business and make a large profit. In order to manage these, they should have a working knowledge of the following areas and should be a specialist in one or more fields, such as finance, marketing or public relations. He is the one who has control over all the transactions, profits and losses of the company or organization.

Business Manager has authority over the below-mentioned modules equals to admin. In order to know more details about the working and actions of the modules access the links given below.

The modules available for Business Manager are Sales ( Excluding Credit Notes, Proposals, Contracts ), Product Management, and Accounting.


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Sales Manager

In LaraOffice sales manager is a person who manages all the sales agents, their details, products, purchase orders and product transfer. In other words, the sales manager is the person who has control over product management and all the purchase order actions. Sales manager can also send quick notifications and have command over recurring invoices. 

These are the modules a Sales Manager can have access to. The listed modules have links to pages that give detailed information about the working of these modules.

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Stock Manager

 In LaraOffice stock manager is a person who is responsible for managing storage warehouses or delivering products to retail stores and has permission to manage content management. Sometimes, stock managers may be in charge of purchasing products. Stock managers need to understand the stock mix of a company and the different demands on that stock. These demands may be influenced by both external and internal factors and are balanced by the creation of purchase order requests to keep supplies at a reasonable or prescribed levels.

LaraOffice gives authority to stock manager only to product management.

These links will help you better in knowing the working of these modules in detail.

  • Few features of Product Management




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A client is somebody who buys a product or pays for services. Companies and other organizations may also be clients. Unlike customers, clients usually have an arrangement or a relationship with the company/organization. In LaraOffice clients play a role as important as customers bringing profits to the organization.

These are the modules client can have access to:

Access the above links for more details about the working.

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The person who supplies products/resources to an organization. A supplier may be distinguished from a contractor or subcontractor, who commonly adds specialized input to deliverables. LaraOffice gives suppliers permissions to send quick notifications, manage content and purchase orders.

Suppliers have access to Purchase Orders and Content Management modules in this LaraOffice.


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