To Add new order go to Cart Orders –> List Orders and click on the button Add new order.
Alternatively, Click On Cart Orders –>Place New Order.
The Order Creation page contains the following attributes:
Customer: The name of the Customer which is selected from the drop-down list.
Order Status: The Status of invoice whether it is Pending/Active or not. If it is pending, we can make the payment for the order.
Billing Cycle: Like an EMI (Is it weekly, monthly, etc.)
Recurring Value: The Value of Recurring period for the payment.
Consider the recurring period is weekly, then the value is taken 2, it shows the total recurring period is 2 weeks.
Recurring Type: It is based on the Recurring Period of time which is selected automatically by selecting the Recurring Period.
Total Cycles: It shows how many times the order will be recurred to the particular customer from giving on respective dates.
Example :
The order due date is 02/03/2019, Recurring Period is Weekly, Value is 2, Total Cycles is 2.Thus, it will have Recurred on 09/03/2019 and 16/03/2019.
- Item/Product: This is the name of the item you are billing for. You can either enter the details manually or start typing and pick the items.
- Quantity: The number of units being charged.
- Unit Price: The amount you charge per unit of items.
- Tax Rate: To apply tax to the item, click on the Tax field and select the relevant tax from the drop-down list.
- Discount: This is the discount percentage/value you need to apply for the particular item.
- Description: Add more information about the item. This will help the customer better understand the job completed and is also useful for your own reference
Generate Invoice: For all orders, LaraOffice can provide an invoice that will be created at the Invoice module by selecting YES/NO.
Send Email/SMS: The communication gateways to send Email/SMS to Customer.

Add Payment to Incomes: It enables the Order amount should be added to the Incomes module by selecting YES/NO.
The ‘+‘ icon symbol beside some fields allows you to directly add the particular’s through a Pop-up menu to their respective add directly from here to those respective modules.