Cart Orders

View Orders

Go to Cart Orders–>Click on View Order, then it shows the order details.

The following are the attributes of the cart order:

ID: The unique number which referred to cart order.

Date: The Date of the order on which it was booked.

Customer: The name of the Customer.

Price: The total amount of the order.

Billing Cycle: The payment cycle which is instant or recursive or likely to EMI

  • Item/Product: The product name can be either manually typed or picked from the listed options.
  • Quantity: The number of units being charged.
  • Rate: The amount you charge per unit of the items/products.
  • Tax Rate: It can be applied to the item/product by selecting the relevant tax from the drop-down list.
  • Discount: It can be applied to any particular item either as a percentage or a fixed value.

Here, The LaraOffice featured to monitor the complete order details and observe that amount details whether it is paid or unpaid through the payment gateways category.

If it is paid, then it shows the Status to be marked as Success.

Otherwise, it shows to Make Payment.

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Add Orders

To Add new order go to Cart Orders –> List Orders and click on the button Add new order.

Alternatively, Click On Cart Orders –>Place New Order.

The Order Creation page contains the following attributes:

Customer: The name of the Customer which is selected from the drop-down list.

Order Status: The Status of invoice whether it is Pending/Active or not. If it is pending, we can make the payment for the order.

Billing Cycle: Like an EMI (Is it weekly, monthly, etc.)

Recurring Value: The Value of Recurring period for the payment.


Consider the recurring period is weekly, then the value is taken 2, it shows the total recurring period is 2 weeks.

Recurring Type: It is based on the Recurring Period of time which is selected automatically by selecting the Recurring Period.

Total Cycles: It shows how many times the order will be recurred to the particular customer from giving on respective dates.

Example :

The order due date is 02/03/2019, Recurring Period is Weekly, Value is 2, Total Cycles is 2.Thus, it will have Recurred on 09/03/2019 and 16/03/2019.

  • Item/Product: This is the name of the item you are billing for. You can either enter the details manually or start typing and pick the items.
  • Quantity: The number of units being charged.
  • Unit Price: The amount you charge per unit of items.
  • Tax Rate: To apply tax to the item, click on the Tax field and select the relevant tax from the drop-down list.
  • Discount: This is the discount percentage/value you need to apply for the particular item.
  • Description: Add more information about the item. This will help the customer better understand the job completed and is also useful for your own reference

Generate Invoice: For all orders, LaraOffice can provide an invoice that will be created at the Invoice module by selecting YES/NO.

Send Email/SMS: The communication gateways to send Email/SMS to Customer.

Add Payment to Incomes: It enables the Order amount should be added to the Incomes module by selecting YES/NO.

The ‘+‘ icon symbol beside some fields allows you to directly add the particular’s through a Pop-up menu to their respective add directly from here to those respective modules.

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