General Information

Manual Installation

Note: We assume that files moved to the desired location and you already created a database and have a Database username and password at your hand. We are showing this using phpMyAdmin on localhost, but you can do this on the server also, but screens may change as per your server

  1. Open the ‘.env‘ file which is located in your folder downloaded from Envato with your favorite editor.As you can see, quite a lot of those values are empty. And, to be honest, by default you will actually need to change only a few of them – related to database connection:

    – Your URL, If you uploaded the files to “crm” folder, “APP_URL” will be Keep in mind that you need to adjust the URL based on where you uploaded the files. If you are installing on a subdomain named “crm” your “APP_URL” will be
    – Usually, the hostname is localhost but you should check with your hosting provider
    – Usually, a port is 3306 but you should check with your hosting provider

  2. Navigate to http://localhost/phpmyadmin. Click on the ‘Import‘ button. It will display a screen to upload the file.Select the file as per your requirements.

    If you want to install the clean system, select ‘public/install-scripts/install-nodata.sql’
    If you want to install a system with demo data, select ‘public/install-scripts/install-withdata.sql’

  3. You are done. Assume that you uploaded the files to “crm” folder, navigate to Eq. Keep in mind that you need to adjust the URL based on where you uploaded the files. If you are installing on a subdomain named “crm” you need to access the URL like
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Server Installation

Upload the files to the server folder where Coworking Space CRM will be installed.

  1. Cpanel Login
  2. Go to File Manager
  3. Click on the Public_html folder(Check whether project installed or not)
  4. Click on ‘public_html’ OR create a folder with name ‘crm’. Upload the ‘’ file and extract into Public_html OR created folder ‘crm’
  5. Assume that you uploaded the files to “crm” folder, navigate to Eq. Keep in mind that you need to adjust the URL based on where you uploaded the files. If you are installing on a subdomain named “crm” you need to access the URL like
  6. It will display the server requirements screen, if all requirements passed click Next otherwise consult with your hosting provider to fix/enable them.
      1. It will display the Database details screen.
  7. If you are installing on the server, enter the database credentials you configured in step 2 (Configure Database)

    If you are installing it local, enter the database credentials you configured here

      1. Host Name(usually, the hostname is localhost but you should check with your hosting provider)
      2. Database Name
      3. Database Username
      4. Database Password
      5. Port (usually, a port is 3306 but you should check with your hosting provider)
      6. Select Install with empty data OR Install with data.
      7. Note: the system will display the registration screen to create the first admin user.

        Click Install and if button if the database connection is successful it will install the system, otherwise please re-check your credentials.

        1. Sit back and relax while installing the system.
        2. In the above steps, the system will display the following screen to create your admin user.
            1. You are done.

          Note: Once the installation is done you can remove ‘install scripts in the ‘public’ folder

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Configure Database (For Server Installation)

Login to cPanel and create a brand new database that will be used for Coworking Space CRM installation.

You can check this tutorial how to setup MySQL database in cPanel if you are not familiar with how to configure a database if you are not using cPanel the best is to perform few types of research on how to create the database via your active control panel.

  • Login to cPanel by accessing and navigate go MySQL Databases, note that this step may vary and in some hosting providers can be different.
  • Create database.
  • Create a user and set up the user password. (write down the username and the password because needs to be re-used later)
  • Add the user to the database by selecting the database and the username.
  • Make sure you have checked All privileges when adding the user to the database.
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System Requirements

LaraOffice CRM(Customer Relationship Management) has a few system requirements. LaraOffice developed on Laravel version 5.7. The following are a detailed list.

Minimum Requirements

  • PHP >= 7.1.3
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • .env (Laravel Environment file) should be writable
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