There are different roles available in LaraOffice They are:-
Administrator (can create other users)
Stock Manager
Project Manager
Sale Agent
Sales Manager
Business Manager
There are different roles available in LaraOffice They are:-
Administrator (can create other users)
Stock Manager
Project Manager
Sale Agent
Sales Manager
Business Manager
No, you can’t create users directly, for that first you should have to create contact for a particular person. From that contact list you can create users who has login access. You will see create user button on contacts list by clicking on that button the particular contact will be converted into user who has login access. You can see the converted contact person in users list which is in user management.
Yes, LaraOffice provides this feature, admin can change users site colors and themes also by go to Users management -> Users ->edit or contact management -> contacts -> create user (or) edit.
Yes, Admin can keep track of each and every user actions performed on the accounts by simply registering into the site. And can directly check the user actions performed on the site.
Yes, Laraoffice provides such a wonderful option called permissions. If admin wants to give some permissions to some users not for all at that time this permissions feature is very useful he can easily restrict anything at the users area. This permissions feature you can find in users management ->permissions.