General Questions

HomeFAQGeneral Questions
Can we create an invoice, quotes, proposals without products ?

  Yes, LaraOffice can create  invoices , quotes and proposals without products by simply giving an amount when the products plugin is inactive. In other case if products plugin is in active mode simply you can find the products list in invoices, quotes,proposals.

Is it possible to assign a task to a contact person of a customer?

 No, It is not possible to assign a task to a contact person of  type customer, It is only possible to assign the task to a contact person of  type employee.  

Is that possible to record an advance payment without generating an Invoice?

  Yes ,LaraOffice can make an advance payment without generating the invoice by adding the payment details directly into the incomes by selecting the income category and we can also upload the files to keep track of  the income details.

Is it possible to add our bank account on the invoice so client can see where they need to pay the invoice?

Yes, LaraOffice provides this feature you can add your PayPal, Strip, PayU account. You can fill your  account details that will be shown in client area. So, Client can make the payment easily to your account details. You can find this PayPal, PayU, Stripe account settings in Global settings -> Master Settings -> PayPal Settings (or)PayU (or) Strip Settings.

Is it possible to add a custom form to invoices/clients?

No, LaraOffice doesn’t provide the custom forms to invoices/clients. 

Is it possible to assign tasks to staff, instead of just for personal reference? Will you add an area for staff discussion?

The tasks feature is not only for personal use. You can assign tasks to staff/Employee. When you preview the task on the right side there is Assignee. You can assignee field where you can add assignees also and followers. Staff/Employee  discussions can be done from the newsfeed on dashboard. You can find the discussions tab in Project -> Discussions -> Add new. After you can find Subject column  click on that subject column then you can proceed your discussions.

In CRM should be possible to convert lead to client?

Yes, You can convert lead to client easily. In LaraOffice we provide Convert button in leads view page. So, you can convert lead to client. Go through the path like Leads -> Add new -> View ->Convert.

How do i change the login screen logo, also how do i add a logo to the invoices?

You can change the default  login logo in Global Settings -> Master Settings -> Login Settings. And You can  add your own invoices logo in  Global settings -> Master Settings -> Invoices Settings.

Can a client switch language? Or the system gives the default I have chosen from settings?

Yes, By default LaraOffice system provides default language but  Client can switch the language what he want. By go to Global settings -> Languages   you can change the default language settings.

Is it possible to use different mail account for my Employees to manage leads? for example: employee 1 has mail 1, employee 2 has mail 2 etc.

Yes , Lara Office can create multiple employee accounts in Setup->Employee, as per the permissions, this depends on the added employee permissions.

Is its possible to create the products without brands and warehouses ?

Yes , Lara Office can create products  without brands and warehouses ,But we can create the products without warehouses only when the warehouse plugin is inactive the module management.

Can I install it in XAMPP and configure it’s access only via their intranet? Is it uses any online resources? Will it work without internet connection?

Yes, you can install it in XAMPP. LaraOffice provides 2- Step installation process to install the LaraOffice Project into your localhost. So, without internet you can install the project easily.You need not use any online resources You can efficiently use the link to install the project

Can we convert the same quote into invoice more than once? If we have the same quote generated for the next time?

No , Lara Office doesn’t have the feature of converting the quote to invoice more than once, But there is an option where we can convert the quote to invoice by duplicating the quote record before its converted to invoice and then we can convert both records to invoice.

Is this LaraOffice Application work with web host godaddy. is this hard to install? and does it work with godaddy?

Yes, LaraOffice is work with Godaddy web hosting also.There is no need to hard  installation it’s an easy steps to install the LaraOffice Project. You can see installation process in the below link

Is there a possibility to disable invoice/estimate parts?

Yes, there is a possibility to disable the modules at admin side by going to Plugins tab and you can  set the modules as a disabling/enabling  state. On the other hand admin can set the modules as in  disabling/enabling state to remaining users like Clients, Customers, Employees etc by go to Users management -> Roles -> view.  

Is there a possibility to show tasks to clients in their client part?

Yes, LaraOffice provides this feature,  Is visible to client field is there in Projects tasks if you want to put to yes in that field  the task will be seen by client else client can’t see the tasks in projects.

Is there any possibility to convert recurring invoices into invoices?

  Yes, Lara Office provides a feature of converting the recurring invoice into invoices by creating the child invoices in the recurring invoices so that the child invoices automatically converts into invoices.

Which Programming Language is used to build this CRM?

LaraOffice is built in PHP language with Laravel 5.7 framework. You can run this project in PHP versions >= 7.1.3

What are the payment gateways Available?

There are three payment gateways available . They are:-




     And there is also an option where we can make offline payments .

Are emails automatically sent to clients after invoice/quotes/proposals created? Or I have to click ‘send’?

Yes, LaraOffice provide the feature called Save and Send button, at a  time you can save the invoice data of the  user and automatically send an email to that  particular user by clicking on save and send button. Or else if you want to send an email to the user after saving the user data that is also provided by clicking on the Email button according to email options you can send the email to the particular user.

What are the permissions available at the customer site in Lara Office ?

Customers have the option of viewing invoices, quotes , proposals  and contracts . They have the option of making the payments by selecting any of the payment gateways , If the particular payment gateways are not available the customer can also make the offline payments.

Customers  have an option of placing orders and making payments, only when the order is placed.

May I change the currency like HKD$ or any other currency?

Yes, LaraOffice provides the change currency option. You can change the currency type by go to Global settings -> Currencies. And you can set  your currency as make default.

What are the roles available in LaraOffice?

There are different roles available in LaraOffice They are:-

Administrator (can create other users)





Stock Manager

Project Manager

Sale Agent

Sales Manager

Business Manager


What are the default countries and currencies available in LaraOffice?

    LaraOffice supports for the world wide countries and currencies we can set the default countries and currencies which we want to use for project .There are also auto update currency values for each currency .

What are the permissions available for the executive role?

Except the multi delete option is not available for the executive role . Apart from that all the permissions are available for the executive role.

Has there been any advancement with the timer function for tasks?

Yes, LaraOffice provides timer functions for tasks in project management. Assignee can assign the tasks to a  particular employee/staff. And moreover, the particular assigned person means only particular employee/staff can start that tasks with feature called Start timer and Stop timer. And also all time entries will be calculated in time entries tab in project management.Based on timer functions client will calculate the amount payable.

Can we transfer products from One warehouse to other warehouses?

 Yes we can transfer products from one particular warehouses to other warehouse in LaraOffice through  products transfer. Once you tranfer the products by physically you can maintain the records in laraoffice.

Is there any Extract feature in your product?

Yes, LaraOffice product provides below features like

1) Contacts

2) Database Backup: (which gives them the ability to download just their dashboard sql details for safe housing.)

3) Group Emailing (Great for bulk contact emailing)

4) Documents

5) Trash (to recover deleted files)

Is there any option of tracking the user actions in LaraOffice?

   Yes, Admin can keep track of each and every user actions performed  on the accounts by simply registering into the site. And can directly check the user actions performed on the site.

Is admin can change the other users themes and sidebar colors etc?

Yes, LaraOffice provides this feature, admin can  change users site colors by go to Users management -> Users ->edit  or  contact management -> contacts -> create user (or) edit.

Is users can change their site themes or sidebar colors etc?

Yes, Users can change their site themes and sidebar colors as they like. By clicking right side Profile button. You find the profile page.

Is it possible to have a different logo for the header and a different logo for quotes and invoices?

  Yes , It is possible to have a different logo for quotes and invoices , we can change the image from global settings->master settings. And we can edit the image . we can also change the header and footer settings also from the master settings.

Can users change language? I need every client to be able to change the language by themselves?

Yes, LaraOffice provides this feature, If admin will give the permissions of language settings which is in Global settings then obviously user have permission to change their own language.

Is it possible Client can create tasks? or Edit ?

Yes, Client can create tasks in particular projects. Based on permissions, If admin can give permissions to create tasks in projects to client or any other role then client have a permissions to create tasks in particular projects.

Is there any calendar feature in this product?

Yes, Calendars are available in LaraOffice.Calenders tasks will notified after creating tasks in task management even you can create tasks in calendars by clicking on particular date by default it will take one day gap. 

Can I add new customer when creating invoice ?

Yes, LaraOffice provides a feature of adding new customer and sale Agent at the time of creating invoices, quotes or  proposals etc , There is a tooltip at the customer label where we can directly create a new customer without again redirecting to the contacts module. So this helps the user to save  time and reduces the user’s burden.

can LaraOffice sort recurring invoices and invoices by due date order?

Yes, LaraOffice provides use a custom filter option  where we can sort the records based on due date order, created date and invoice date . This helps the user  to quickly search the required record , LaraOffice also provides a custom search button where we can also search the record based on invoice no, customer name and title etc..

Can I get income and expense reports by category?

Yes , LaraOffice provides a monthly reports  option where we can get income and expenses by categories, There is also an other option in the dashboard where we can see Income and expenses by Category.

What happens if you delete an account (eg. Bank account)? What happens to the transactions associated with that particular account?

Once If you delete a particular account , all the transactions related to that particular account will be deleted , make sure that the record/account should be even deleted from the trash , so that the transaction history also gets deleted.

Would it be possible to add a discount to a specific product or products, and not to the entire bill?

Yes, LaraOffice provides a feature to add discount to a particular products or products , but while creating invoice or quote we can edit the discount for the particular product or products so that the edit amount will be reflected in the billing.

Is there a report where i can find all unpaid invoices except search one by one ?

  Yes,  LaraOffice has a feature of getting the details of all the Unpaid and Paid Invoice  through the Invoice Summary, We also search through the custom search button where the payment status is unpaid. We can also view the Total Invoice Amount and the Overdue amount also from the Invoice summary.

Can we transfer amount from One Bank Account to the Other Bank Accounts ?

    No, there is an option where we can transfer the amount from one bank account to other bank accounts ,  But LaraOffice helps us to keep track of the transferred amount but creating the records in the bank transfers.

Is there any option of deleting multiple records at once?

    Yes , LaraOffice provides a feature of deleting multiple records at once, we can directly select multiple records at once using the check box and can delete all the records at once.

        But this permissions will be available only at the admin side.

Is it possible to modify Email Templates?

  Yes, LaraOffice provides a feature to modify all the Email Templates . we can easily modify the email templates by going to Master Settings -> Email Templates where we can create your own template and update.

Does support RTL ?

Yes, RTL only is supported in Admin area. PDF files have no support for RTL option.And moreover if admin want to give permissions of languages to any users then he can give it. Then they will also get the RTL support and languages supports.  

Is it possible to view income and expense reports for a date range?

 Yes, LaraOffice provides a feature to view income and expenses reports for a particular data range . we can go to Generate Reports -> Income Reports  we can selected a custom data range and can view the Generated Reports.

Can we take a printout of each Account transaction?

 Yes, LaraOffice provides a feature to print each Account transaction .Simply Go to Accounts->Incomes and click on the Receipt button so that you can take a print out of each transaction and even can view the pdf of each transaction.

Is there any graphical sales pipeline to see sum of all proposals, accepted, declined and so on?

Yes, LaraOffice provides the facility called graphical sales pipeline means summary,  to see sum of all proposals, accepted, rejected and delivered. Not only for proposals and also provides  for quotes and contracts. You can find the graphical sales pipeline in quotes dashboard, proposals dashboard and contracts dashboard. 

Is it possible to attach the invoice PDF in the e-mails?

  Yes , LaraOffice provides the feature to add invoice PDF will creating the invoice and sending the email , the Invoice PDF gets created automatically, in the invoice email.

Can we take a printout of each Account transaction?

   Yes, LaraOffice provides a feature to print each Account transaction .Simply Go to Accounts->Incomes and click on the Receipt button so that you can take a print out of each transaction and even can view the pdf of each transaction.

Is there any graphical sales pipeline to see sum of all proposals, accepted, declined and so on?

Yes, LaraOffice provides the facility called graphical sales pipeline means summary,  to see sum of all proposals, accepted, rejected and delivered. Not only for proposals and also provides  for quotes and contracts. You can find the graphical sales pipeline in quotes dashboard, proposals dashboard and contracts dashboard. 

Can I convert USD to something else?

Yes, you can convert the USD to something currency. For eg;In invoice dashboard you can find the summary button,  below that you can see the currencies dropdown box according to that currencies, you can change the amount in that currency values.

How can I set permission to staff member to see only his project/client? and create customers/projects?

LaraOffice provides Users management module, in that module there is a users and roles tabs. If you want to change the permissions of particular user you can edit the roles what you want to  change you can modify it. For eg; You want to give projects view permission to the staff/ employee role you can give it easily.

Is it possible to have random number for invoice, estimate etc… ?

No, this is not possible in LaraOffice product, but you can manually change every upcoming invoice number to any number you want.

Can the customer see their invoices ? or this is only for 1 superadmin ?

Yes, Customer can see their invoices, this is based on permissions given by admin only. Any user can see their own data, nobody  can’t see others data because there is security provided by LaraOffice product. 

Is it possible to redirect a user after login to the CRM > List contacts, and not to the Dashboard?

No, now LaraOffice product provides only redirect the page after login to the users dashboard only. If you want to change you can change in the script only.

Is there is any online messaging system?

Yes, LaraOffice provides online messaging system. Its pretty easy way to communicate with the other users in messaging system. This messaging system, you can find in sidebar menu. All most you can see this messaging system module in every users sidebar.

Is it possible to change the whole admin theme?

Yes, it’s possible to change the admin theme. If you login to the admin dashboard you will see the admin profile at right side corner. By clicking profile link you can set the or you change the theme of admin dashboard.

If I dont need something like invoices, etc. Can I switch off those modules completely ?

Yes, you can switch off the module what you don’t need. LaraOffice provides plugins module on the sidebar at admin panel. If you don’t want any module you can deactivate the module which is in plugins module. So,that will be the in inactive state that doesn’t show it again on admin panel.

Is there any forecast to add chat or message between employees?

Yes, Laraoffice provides chat system between employees and even they can chat with other users and vice-versa.

You can find this module in sidebar at admin panel. This module access not only for employees and admin but also for remaining user like clients, customers, sales managers, sales persons, bussiness managers etc.

Is there a way that can we disable convert to customer in lead tab to all employees ?

Yes, By using the roles permissions we can disable the convert to customer in leads button. If admin is give permission to any roles either convert to button is in enable state or disable state. Based on permissions only you can enable the buttons or disable the buttons. No need to change the css files in coding. Laraoffice provides this type of feature.

Is it possible to integrate with an email when created lead. And is it possible convert user from lead to customer?

  Yes , LaraOffice provides a feature to integrate with an email when created a lead . And at the same time LaraOffice also provides a feature to convert the lead to customer.And once the lead is converted to the customer the user gets access to login and view his profile details and other permissions .

Would I be able to restrict my staff members to view customer’s contact details, including email, phone numbers, address and other personal details like payment IDs, e.g. PayPal, Stripe, bank account details etc.? I won’t want my staff members to directly contact the customers?

Yes, you can restrict your staff members from viewing the customer details. LaraOffice provides great feature called as permissions, once you created the roles and users so, at the time of creating roles you can able to give permissions to the particular roles means giving  access to use particular modules to a particular user. Even laraoffice provides permissions to buttons lije create, edit, delete, view etc also. So, you can give permissions easily, if you want to give permissions to employees to viewing the contacts view then you can give contacts_view Permission only.

Is it possible that the proposals also contain a terms section?

Yes, you can create terms and conditions at the time of creating proposals. Or else if you want to no more to  type each time at the time of creating proposals so,Laraoffice provides proposals settings in global settings module. In that proposals settings you can fix your terms and conditions, once you update it then no more to type every time.

Is it possible to attach documents to invoices ?

  Yes, There is a feature in LaraOffice in the invoices ->view->uploads where we can  attach all types of files like. Png,jpg,jpeg,gif,pdf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,dot,ppt,pptx etc.The same feature is even available for the quotes and proposals also where we can upload any types of files. 

Is it possible also to show in proposals, estimates, and invoices the Currency that is being used?

 Yes, LaraOffice provides currency fields in proposals, quotes, invoices,contracts. And there is no need to type currency every time, once you created the contact at that  time only you can give the currency of the user. Then in proposals, quotes,contracts, invoices once you select the user automatically currency will appear.

It’s possible to hide or remove Sales Agent option dropdown?

No, there is no possibility to hide the sales agent dropdown. But have feature to hide the sales agent data at the time of viewing. You can hide the sales agent data by using settings. If you want hide the  sales agent of proposals, you can set in proposals settings or if you want to set in quotes you should have to go to quotes settings etc. Like that you can set in settings that will be reflects to the view pages of proposals or quote etc.

How to delete Uploaded or attached images ?

   There is a feature in LaraOffice where we can delete the uploaded images and documents.There is a  remove button in LaraOffice which helps in deleting the uploaded images or docs in the invoices ->view->uploads->remove buttons. The same feature is even available for the quotes and proposals also where we can remove any uploaded images and documents.

Is there a possibility in leads that each employee see only his leads? For example employee A see leads assigned to him, but doesn’t see leads assigned to employee B?

Yes, based on permissions of employee roles they can see only his leads/projects etc. One employee can see only assigned data only.

Is there a way to change the default names like Projects to SomethingElse and few other adjustments like changing Url for Projects (/projects) to something (/something)?

No, it’s not possible to change the default names like projects to something etc. But you have a chance to modify in the files as your wish.

Is it Possible Customers open Projects?

Yes, it’s possible customer can open the projects module. Only based on permissions, like if you give projects module permission to customer then particular customer can see his projects, he cannot see the other customers projects.

How do tickets automatically gets assigned to a particular agent in LaraOffice?

  In LaraOffice there is a special feature where the tickets get automatically assigned to a particular user , There is a custom field in LaraOffice in Users->edit->Is Support Agent? .If the particular value is set as yes. When the support related to the particular users  are raised then the users with the least support tickets for a particular issue automatically gets assigned as an agent for the particular issue.

Does it support adding product/service directly from Quotation or Invoice creating area?

  Yes, LaraOffice provides a feature of adding new products and services directly while creating the quotes and invoices , there is a tooltip with plus sign where we can directly add the new products with the particular price , tax and discount rate . This feature helps the user to save  time and so the user can add a new product directly without again redirecting to the products modules.

How do I add reminders to tasks?

Currently, there are no custom reminders for tasks, the system automatically sends overdue reminders to the assigned task members,  overdue reminders you can configured in proposals cron job settings by go to Global settings -> Master Settings -> Proposal Cron job settings or quotes cron job settings by go to  Global settings -> Master Settings -> Quote Cron job settings  or invoice cron job settings by go to Global settings -> Master Settings -> Invoice Cron job settings  or order cron job settings by go to Global settings -> Master Settings -> Order Cron job settings

How to set default Terms & Conditions , Admin notes and Client notes in invoice, quotes, proposals and contracts?

It’s very simple and easy  in LaraOffice to set default Terms and Conditions , Adimin notes and Client notes for the quotes, proposals , invoices and contracts  we can directly go to global settings->Master settings->invoice settings ->settings  there we can set the default Terms and conditions ,Admin notes and Client notes. And the same thing for the quotes proposals and contracts.

Can leads and customer contacts be uploaded?

Yes, there is a CSV import option for leads and contacts. You can easily import the large number of contacts at a time by using this import option. When you click on CSV import option you will see download option, in that there is sample copy of csv according to that only you fill your contacts information.

What is difference Between Proposal and Quote?

A quote is an exact price offered for a known product or service, i.e. the customer knows precisely what (s)he wants and requests the exact final price.

A proposal is a solution and price offered, by the vendor, for a customer’s problem, i.e. the customer has a problem to solve and recognises that there may be a range of solutions. The vendor proposes a combination of products and/or services designed to achieve the outcome desired by the customer.

Can you set late fees to add to the invoice if past the due date?

 No , there is no option in LaraOffice where we can set the late payment fees for the invoices after the due date, But if you wanted to add the late payment fee we can manually edit the amount and attach it as a late payment fee.  And Once the Invoice due date is done the record is counted as an Overdue Record.

Is it possible to have some graphical representation of all projects ?

Yes, LaraOffice provides graphical representation of all projects with start date, due date and created date. According to the dates you mentioned graph will be shown to you. You will find this in Generated reports -> Client projects reports.

How to my reset password without login into the system?

LaraOffice provides a feature where we can directly click on the Forget my password Link . On directly clicking on that link a form opens where you need to provide your email address . A particular reset Link will be sent to the provided email address .Clicking on that reset link directly we can reset our password.

How can I add additional payment gateways that are offered from omnipay?

You can easily add your payment gateways by go to Master settings -> add new  while you creating payment gateways five fields will be appear infront you. In that you should have to enter the data of your payment gateway information. And one dropdown box will be appear, from that if you want to create payment gateways so you should have to click the Payment gateways in module type field. Then after creating payment gateway you can find the created payment gate gateway in Global settings -> Payment gateways tab and you can find created payment gateway in Global settings -> Master settings.

Is it possible to add two clients to a project?

No, while you creating the project to the client you can choose only one client name there is no chance to choose more than one client. And also there is a chance to maintain the two client data with same project by creating two times with same project name.

Is there is any chance to customer to place an items?

Yes, by  using permissions of customer role admin can give cart orders permission to order the items. And also customer can make the payment for the ordered items.